Donations Appreciated!

The Circle: One Planet, One People, One Life, a 501(c)3, is committed to the establishment of a life-affirming planetary community and all projects that promote a culture of peace.  The Prayer Vigil for the Earth focused on bringing diverse spiritual traditions together to practice respect and celebrate our diversity in the heart of the nation’s capitol.   Although due to financial and other considerations there are no plans for future Prayer Vigils for the Earth in Washington, D.C., the Circle is exploring other ways to serve our goals.
For example:

  • General Fund for Encouraging Multi-Faith and Related Other Events: Any Amount
    The Circle
    remains a 100% volunteer and seeks to support others engaged in activities like the Prayer Vigil for the Earth.

  • Spreading Spiritual Collaboration: $25

    The Prayer Vigil for the Earth, 1993- 2012: A Collaborative Spiritual Journeyphoto and text book
    will be sent to an interfaith or multi-faith organizations.
    You will receive a Thank You via email with the name of the organization that received your gift.
    The book is lovely and educational. Organizations will learn about other spiritual practices and what were emphasized in this multi-faith context.

  • The Prayer Vigil for the Earth, Washington, DC, $10,000.00 minimum
    The Circle has received many requests from previous participants and others who find our webpage or learn about our activities.  They universally request for the uplifting Prayer Vigil for the Earth to happen again.

If you wish to donate to these endeavors, you may click on the Donate button to go to our secure payment page. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation; credit cards are welcome. 

paypalYou can also send donation checks to:
The Circle-West Coast Office
7960 Crest Ave. 
Oakland, CA 94605

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Administrators, Sharon Franquemont and Sue Conklin, at

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. We appreciate you very much!

The Prayer Vigil for the Earth