

A Native American teaching from Chief of the Algonquin Anishabe people.
We are all members of the family of people. NO ONE is to be cast out of the circle. NO ONE! We must love all of each other. Why is this all happening? How would you feel if you were cast out of the circle? Think about it. No one is asking you to believe or agree with everything everyone says or cherishes as their truth. All I am saying as members of the human community which we ALL are, we must find a way to honor the uniqueness of everyone. The weapons will be laid to the ground once we do this. I promise you.
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Participant who just came out of Holocaust Museum and stumbled upon the Prayer Vigil: 
I needed hope for humanity after I came out of the Holocaust Museum. It is like God guided me here where I can experience us love and mutual respect. We are holding hands and dancing together! I needed this today.
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Three tourists who happened to be on the Mall and discovered the Prayer Vigil during the World Peace Prayer Society's Flag Ceremony: 
We are from Moldovia. We would never have guessed we'd have a chance to hold our flag during a sacred ceremony on the Mall in Washington, DC.
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I was transformed. 
Literally, I closed my eyes and could feel my Islamic and Muslim brothers and sisters around me. I felt like I was right there in Afghanistan or somewhere in the Middle East taking time for God (Allah) before the start of my day.
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10 DAYS AFTER 9/11/2001 The National Park Service Granted Us Permission to Hold the Multi-faith 2001 Prayer Vigil for the Earth next to the Washington Monument. We were one of two events given permission to meet, however, we are the only one, who guided by our elders, chose to gather in peace for prayer. We express gratitude to so many people that dared to fly, drive, or show up to join us including our Muslim brothers and sisters. Unity-By-The Bay provided Friday night food while The Pentagon was still smoldering. Our DC coordinator was grieving. She lost a good flight attendant friend when the plane aimed at the US Capitol plowed into holy PA ground. The following are testimonials we received from people then and afterwards. See Photo History 1993-2011, page 10 & 11 for more.

2001 Prayer Vigil Afterthoughts....
Friday morning September 21st, I sat with my sons and a friend, who offered to stay with them, at the dining room table for one last wrap-up before heading down to Washington, DC. Since September 11th’s horrific events, the Prayer Vigil took on a slightly different feel for me. I was going to be staying 3 days in a place where, not that long ago, hundreds lost their lives in a cowardly attack on innocent people. 
For the first time I was consciously aware that my life might be in danger. I thought to myself “this must be what military personnel feel just before going into battle.” There was a sense of calm in it all. I told my family that there was no place on earth I'd rather be than at that Prayer Vigil -save being with you kids. I explained to them that we were going to have a prayer vigil, whether two people showed up or hundreds showed up. And that we were prepared for whatever the consequences of that decision may be.
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I was honored to do it. 
We have always been blessed in the past with extraordinarily beautiful weather and this year was no exception. The sun was shining brightly with just a hint of coolness in the breeze. Yet, there was something different this time. For those of you who have never been to Washington DC, the Mall is an area somewhat like Central Park in New York where there is open grass for people to rest and play. The Washington Monument is in the center with maybe 20-30 American flags circling it. On a normal September day such as this one, The Mall is liken to an ant farm - swarming with tourists and peoples flying kites, riding bikes, playing football or just taking a break on the lawn.
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What a powerful experience. 
The final blessing of the day was when we turned and realized that all the American flags had all been raised that morning and it was a new day....
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A new day for all of us. 
Dear people, we are in this world together. Please, please I implore you all. If you really believe in unity, in a one world one people, then do something today to challenge that belief system. Take the phone book and find a Mosque - call them and see if you can be allowed to celebrate with them. Put yourself out there. Go to these people. Go to each other. We need each other now more than ever.
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My 2001 Prayer Vigil Experience: Shumei America, Jim Kashawagi
Background: The Prayer Vigil, an event of of praying together beyond faiths, was able to be held safely on Sept. 22 & 23, 2001 in Washington DC. It was a sort of miracle to hold this event between the Washington Monument and the White House. Both could have been the targets of terrorist attacks. Having said that, it was the exact place where our prayer had to be and spread to the world after the tragic events.  We all united our minds in seeking true peace. Event participants held flags from all over the world and prayed for human happiness. A Native American elder said, “Prayer is stronger than an atomic bomb.”

Prayer: I led an Amatsunorito prayer, a Japanese ancient myth in the circle. While I was chanting it, I felt as if I was floating in the surrounding energy coming from everywhere. Sept 21st was preparation day and it was raining so hard on the night of Sept 20th, that I asked myself, “Are we going to be able to set up the Peace Village tomorrow?” However, it was totally sunny from the 21st – 23rd, the final day of the Vigil. Then the 24th was a stormy day and a tornado touched down some places in Washington, DC and Maryland.

More Miracles: Our Taiko drum concert was really successful, but we didn’t even know how the Taiko drum would arrive in Washington, DC until just before the Vigil began. At that time it was still impossible to fly the drums from Los Angeles by air. None-the-less, the Taiko players flew to DC not knowing what was going to happen. I asked a couple of people if they knew someone or an organization around DC with Taiko drums. Fortunately, a one of the committee members found a Long Island, NY Karate Center with Taiko drums on the web. Gerard Senese (American) and his Japanese wife drove 5 drums from Long Island, NY down to Washington, DC, so that the Shumei America Taiko group could offer their prayers at the Vigil. What a miracle!

Healing: We were able to use a tipi for Jyorei healing. Many people received it and felt something deep and relaxing.  A broadcaster at a local radio station received Jyorei and called me a few days later. I answered her questions about my impressions of the Prayer Vigil, Shumei, and Jyorei.

Inconsistency: After the terrorism in NY and here in DC, I’ve been so impressed that the American people have been caring and helping the victims with deep compassion.  Nonetheless, I feel inconsistency when I hear the majority of people agree for retaliation even though many innocent people will be sacrificed.

World Citizens: Out founder Meishusama said, we have to become world citizens. Now is the time to recognize we are all brothers and sisters as human beings.  We have to practice justice equally towards people in any country. For the above reasons, it was a great significance that we prayed together with people who have diverse cultures and faiths in Washington, DC. I’ve made up m ymind  to continue praying for peace with action.

Thank you for visiting these testimonials.